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Relationship between anorexia and perfectionism

Anorexia is defined as «distortion of body image, which is manifested by overestimated intrusive ideas of intense and persistent fear of fat or sagging body shapes so that the patient is forced to remain below maximum body weight.» ICD 10.

Perfectionism is the desire to improve a job indefinitely without deciding to consider it completed.

People suffering from this problem of anorexia is quite able to get their job done because its great perfectionism is observed at work, home, family, sports, or study, is in constant search of perfection and improvement, has a very high level of self-criticism and self-demand. Such a person wants to prove that he is good at everything, he is very meticulous and repetitive in what he does. In general, she can be seen as a bright, capable, responsible, dedicated, compliant, and caring person, she is not satisfied with the first result, she is constantly motivated to do better and better.

In the case of anorexia, there will be a change in perception, ie people will live in a high level of stress. Because of this, you will not be able to enjoy what you do, and the activities are seen as continuous challenges focusing only on the result.

Such a high level of demand inevitably leads to failure. Because of failure, people will suffer from a loss of self, a state of chaos, lack of control, and anxiety about achieving the goal, it also creates a misperception about yourself because it is viewed with a sense of inadequacy and reduced ability. realization.

Anorexia occurs due to perfectionism and low self-esteem. The combination of these two problems is very serious from the point of view of human health. The higher the perfectionism, the lower the self-esteem, and the greater the frustration. The greater the frustration, the greater the anxiety, lack of control, chaos, and anxiety. No tolerance for mistakes, high level of self-criticism and self-punishment, exaggerated search for self-control.

Anorexia is defined as a disorder that is closely related to people’s self-control, self-demand, and perception of reality. In this condition there is a low tolerance for error and imperfection is not accepted, weakness is also rejected as a natural condition of the human being, generating high levels of anxiety.

Perfectionism will lead to self-frustration, if it is constant, self-esteem and sense of accomplishment will decrease, leading to an imbalance and lack of control in the perception of skills and abilities, leading the patient to a desperate search for to regain. Control.

With the help of a healthy diet, you will be able to have control over your body. This will give you a sense of order, well-being, and control in your inner world that you perceive as full of chaos, which sometimes. it is accompanied by emotional abuse.